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Useful Phrases D E U T S C H E N G L I S H Fragen - Questions Wie ist das Wetter heute? What's the weather like today? Ist es warm/kalt/kühl? Is it warm/cold/cool? Wie viel Grad sind es? What's the temperature?
"How many degrees is it?" Scheint die Sonne? Is the sun shining? Wo ist mein Regenschirm? Where's my umbrella? PHRASES 1 - ES + VERB Es regnet. It's raining. Es blitzt. There's lightning. Es donnert. It's thundering. Es schneit. It's snowing. Es hagelt. It's hailing. PHRASES 2 - ES IST + ADJECTIVE Es ist schön. It's nice. Es ist bewölkt. It's cloudy. Es ist heiß. It's hot. Es ist kalt. It's cold. Es ist windig. It's windy. Es ist schwül. It's muggy/humid. So ein Sauwetter! Such lousy weather! DATIVE PHRASES - MIR + IST Mir ist kalt. I feel cold./I'm cold. Ist es dir zu heiß? Do you feel too hot?/Are you too hot? DATIVE PHRASES: Although it is okay to say "I'm hot/cold" in English, this is not the case in German. To express that you feel hot or cold in German, you use a dative pronoun (dir and mir in the examples above). The German says "to me it is hot" rather than "I am hot" — which means something like you are "in heat"!
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